What can be the world for a child of class 5th.
In my view his thinking is limited to playing and eating, away from all kind of tension and worries.
Same was the case with me when i was in class 5th. There was hardly any day i remember i had open my text book"s. My most of time was spent in loitering around the streets of my village with my childhood friend babloo. We both use to have a similar kind of bicycles and there was hardly any street which was not explored.
There was hardly any shopkeeper in our village who was not aware of our existence as we use to be their regular customer for eating purpose.
There is a saying "time and tide waits for none".
The saying is indeed true. Time waits for none . It comes and goes.Time is absolutely unboundable.neighter money nor position can buy it. nothing on earth can subdue or conquer it.As we go through life, we realise for ourselves tht,  if there is anything in world which will nevercome back,it is time.Time is full of twists whether it is good or bad,happy or gloomy,hard or easy.
Time brought a twist in my life also. A Twist which entirely changed my life and led it into a new direction which was totally different from earlier life. I did not liked to be at home because i enjoyed my friend company and streets of our village where we use to have lots of fun and childhood games which are hardly seen these days. we use to live in farmhouse a little bit away from village.Daily i had to listen lot of 'dant fatkar' from my mother for reaching late in evening, which goes from one ear to other but my routine remain same.
One day i totally run out of time as we decided to go for a long ride on our bicycle.I was scared of my mother.As i got down from my bicycle quietly so that no one can know my presence in home i saw my father sitting in gallery of our house holding some kind of paper and a magazine type book.My father smiled at me.
I was afraid but surprised too that today how my father came home so early as he was also habitual of coming late to home.
I thought today i am going to have bad time but things goes entirely different.
He said son i got something for you waving his hand in air holding those paper. He said i have brought Prospectus of SAINIK SCHOOL for you.
The word sainik school was familiar to me as one of my cousin was reading in this school but the word PROSPECTUS was totally out of my childish memory.I asked my father what this word meant for.
He told me that he want to send me in this school and for that i have to give entrance paper and for that i have to leave all "mauj-masti".
I did not cared about any word which he had uttered from his mouth accept the line that now u have to leave all the "mauj-masti". I was not able to sleep all night as leaving "mauj-masti" was not acceptable.
Next day i told the all incident to my friend. He said leave it yaar, "kyun tension le raha hai", "chal aj tujhe "bundi-bhujiya" khila ke lata hun',as it use to be amongst our favourite snacks.Again we were lost in our world of playing and eating and again forget to reach home on time. I peddled my bicycle as fast as i can do but i couldn't make it on time.
Today again my father was ready with another surprise.
He called me and handled a new book on my hand printed 'UPKAR PUBLICATION' on its front page and many coloured photographs of army men holding gun in their hands.
He said,"in order to get into entrance paper you have to read this for next few months".
I was afraid with the size of book. He further told me that from tomorrow i need not to go school "As these line reached my ear" i become so happy that i can't express but as his next words came from his mouth all my smile was gone.
He said that from tomorrow onward  i had to go to another teacher who will teach me only from the book which was going to loose grip from my hand after listening all that.
He said in lovely mood "need not to worry its very easy and if i will get through this and clear the exam then u will be in heaven".
My childish mind was not able to understand the word "HEAVEN" at that time. Meaning was clear in mind after 8 year.
I found the book interesting and started reading with heart but i didn"t have to sacrifice my "mauj-masti" for it.
It was very cold in month of January. We decided to go by car. I spent most of my time in car with head down as i felt uncomfortable .My father made me to wake up and said we are about to reach Sainik School  kunjpura which was the exam centre for entrance.
I opened my eyes and started looking out side from glasses. suddenly i saw a Aeroplane taking off from air-strip titled KELWEHRI air-strip. I had never seen that close view of aeroplane. I shouted 'AEROPLANE' in excitement.

"this not an aeroplane Anu"said the father of my cousin who was studying in sainik school.
"ANU" oh sorry i forget to tell u about anu this is name by which i am known in home.
'it is known as glider 'further he said completing his sentence.
'OK' i said in low voice.
After some time i saw a big canal full of water and then a blue board written SAINIK SCHOOL KUNJPURA in bold letter. Finally we arrived at exam centre.
We stopped outside the main gate as entry was restricted for vehicle.
It was a huge main gate like one the king use to have for his fort in the past.

I with my friends entered the school .
It was all green and green full of long trees seemed like as we had entered forest area.
After walking some distance i looked a silver colored fighter plane in a circled area. I was very excited to see that as i had never seen a jet on ground. The excitement continue to grew as i saw a another big thing as i moved my head ahead.
It was tank of 'indian army'. It was huge and played vital role in army though now it was home for wasp in Sainik school kunjpura.
'HEY u chotu come this side' said a cadet wearing blue colored blazer. I was not able to understand what he had spoken but understand with his motion of hand that he is calling me. I went to him.
 He asked my roll no. And told me to move pointing toward red building.
It was a huge red colored building which was once constructed by a king for his daughter marriage reception a long time ago.

i went through the paper,and it was quite good. Exam was over and i was back to home,and back to my mauj-masti.
One day as i was attending class in my village school i.e. senior model high school.
"AMANDEEP DELU" Called peon .
I get up from desk.
He said come to principle office.
I went there and found principle holding newspaper in his hand.
"whats your sainik school entrance roll no."asked principal.
I said 1149 after thinking in confusion.
He looked in newspaper and lifted his face from smiling and said congratulation dear you are through the entrance paper.
I was full of excitement and happiness and run to home in "adhi chuti " to tell my mom.
She was very happy and so was my all family.
After written exam comes the turn of interview.
Again i was given a new book of General knowledge.
I was fed of reading and mugging that.
Finally the day of interview came.
Again a new journey to sainik school began.
I was told to sit in a queue in front of principle office.I was eagerly waiting for my turn.
I was told to write my name and D.O.B. in a register by the person who was sitting inside in white navy dress.

"What is color of your shirt " suddenly asked by him.
"yellow" i said.
"how many button are there on your shirt" was the next.
"5" i said without knowing.
He asked me to read few line written in a book.
I read those.
Then he said ok nowyou can go.
THIS was my first interview of life,followed by medical.
AFTER FEW MONTH MERIT LIST WAS ALSO DECLARED. I was on 37 rank my parents were very happy."ab to ban gaya AFSAR"was on everyone mouth.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. aage kya hua really write full story

  3. Sure anku abhi to puri kahani baki hai
    duniya ko jo sunani hai


  5. delu this is something surprising to c u writing in the manner u never did before anyway keep writing ur stories r amazing n moreover we r there to read ur lines .\m/

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