
SWEET MEMORIES OF CLASS 7th(First Time Jumping The Wall)

  Hi Friends  HOPE YOU ENJOYED  THE LAST POST SWEET MEMORIES OF CLASS 6th COMING TO SCHOOL DAYS Now I was no more alone on the land of SSK. As time pass by I had plenty of friends to talk, share, enjoy and fight. At the time of final examination people make time table for preparation of exams but we at SSK remains busy in makin g timetable for countdown to vacations i.e. DLTGH(Day Left To GO Home). At the time of exams road to the temple become more crowded. Boy who never went to that place now comes to class with a long red coloured ‘TILEK’. Some use to light “agarbhattis” in their lockers in front of their favorite  GOD’S and GURU JI. Once on exam day, after everyone went to class   our  matron  who seem to be almost  out of mind came to dorm for inspection. After reaching D-1 change room  she  smelled something and thereafter she was no less than James Bond. She found that smoke is coming out from one locker and without wasting fraction of time she


SWEET MEMORIES OF CLASS 6th AND SATURDAY NIGHT (LASER LIGHT KA DHAMAKA) Discipline is an act of love , we realised this thing in SSK. Sometimes you have to be unkind to be kind: not all medicine are sweet, nor all surgeries painless, but we have to use it. In the same way I was also enrolled in the environment where discipline was given more preference than anything else.                                                                                                Everything around me was new and surprising; the routine, the teachers and specially seniors and their harsh rule. “ROLL CALL” is the most hated word in SSK life, reason varies from juniors to seniors. For juniors, you will get after reading this incidence. According to school routine, we had our roll call daily in the evening at 5”o clock in the school basketball court. One day entire  school was standing for the roll call. 6 th  class  rather say new entries were busy in our gossips. Every group was hav


24 TH APRIL,2004 Class 5th exams were over and now it was time for a long vacation enjoying with my friends, but unfortunately this time something else went on. Meanwhile i was enjoying my holidays a another letter came from SSK. My father shows me the letter and said that this is your joining letter and you have to be prepared for that. Along with letter i saw a long list of items which were asked by school to carry along while joining the school.   Everyone around me was happy except me as i was going to leave my home, my friend and everything. Rest of days were wasted in completing paper formality ,my work was just to go with my father in red buildings  and sign the documents whenever needed. My father was taking keen interest in purchasing the items asked by school and i was hating myself for clearing entrance exam. TWO days were left to go and that evening my father came home with a black painted box,"amandeep delu","sainik school kunjpura" prin


What can be the world for a child of class 5th. In my view his thinking is limited to playing and eating, away from all kind of tension and worries. Same was the case with me when i was in class 5th. There was hardly any day i remember i had open my text book"s. My most of time was spent in loitering around the streets of my village with my childhood friend babloo. We both use to have a similar kind of bicycles and there was hardly any street which was not explored. There was hardly any shopkeeper in our village who was not aware of our existence as we use to be their regular customer for eating purpose. There is a saying "time and tide waits for none". The saying is indeed true. Time waits for none . It comes and goes.Time is absolutely unboundable.neighter money nor position can buy it. nothing on earth can subdue or conquer it.As we go through life, we realise for ourselves tht,  if there is anything in world which will nevercome back,it is time.Time is fu