
Class 5th exams were over and now it was time for a long vacation enjoying with my friends, but unfortunately this time something else went on.
Meanwhile i was enjoying my holidays a another letter came from SSK.
My father shows me the letter and said that this is your joining letter and you have to be prepared for that.
Along with letter i saw a long list of items which were asked by school to carry along while joining the school.  
Everyone around me was happy except me as i was going to leave my home, my friend and everything.
Rest of days were wasted in completing paper formality ,my work was just to go with my father in red buildings  and sign the documents whenever needed.
My father was taking keen interest in purchasing the items asked by school and i was hating myself for clearing entrance exam.
TWO days were left to go and that evening my father came home with a black painted box,"amandeep delu","sainik school kunjpura" printed in white letter on it.

That night my mother was carefully  packing each item in that box and i was continuously staring at her. She was trying hard enough to pack all in one.Everything was inside except a hockey stick and a bucket.
Keeping my health(as i was like chota bhim) in  mind a another box of 10 kg biscuits was also planned to pack with me as if i was going to "no men land".
Finally, the day of departure to school came.
I was made to get up early in morning at 4 o"clock. I  dressed  myself  for journey.
Car was ready outside our gate and everything was placed in car by my 'tau g'.
 Driver accelerated the car towards school.
At that time i was  feared of travelling as it causes headache and smoke lead me to vomit everything out.
So i use to travel most of time keeping my head down and sleeping.
We reached school at 10'o clock. Many black boxes similar to me were lying outside the state bank under a huge jamuns tree.
My father told me to sit over there and himself went to that big red building with the bag full of money which he brought for my fees.
After half an hour he came out and wrote a four digit no."5249" On my hand  and said don"t forget this. This is your school roll no. I was surprised with the size of roll no. Because earlier we use to have roll no. not more than two digit ,although i easily memorized that as it was identical to my previous entrance roll. No. i.e. '1149'. After completing all office formality we headed towards karnal for lunch. I didn't ate anything as my mind was somewhere else thinking how i will manage with another strange boy.
After having lunch we came back to school. 
It was 4'o clock in evening. My cousin father was guiding  driver toward the room where i was going to stay thereafter.
After many left-right and U turns we reached near cadet mess.
Now i was witnessing a structure of building which i had never seen even in TV. We entered that strange structure type building with the luggage. This building was named D1. My father choose 3rd room for me and placed all luggage inside that.My cousin who was already there in school helped my father in keeping all the item in a small almirah which was provided by school.
My father told me to wear kurta pujama and relax.
I wore them and sit quietly on bed. My heart was weeping very badly from inside but somehow i was controlling my tears.
All the stuff was now arranged in that small almirah and every item was marked with that four digit no. In the same way as prisoner are marked in prison.
So, now i was kaidi no. 5249 who was imprisoned for long span of seven years.There were other three boy in that room who were doing the same thing.  The boy(MANOJ MALIK) sitting on first bed burst into tears as his parents were gone.The other two were trying to stop his tears ,latter i know that they were from same coaching center.
As i was not from any coaching center so i was unknown to all.
Now it was my turn to burst as my father was planning to go leaving me alone . My eyes were full of unstoppable tears.My father said don"t cry ,you are not alone ,your cousin is with you and these all are your friends pointing towards other guys. My cousin sit with me and tried to stop my tears.My father went outside.i thought he was gone but after few minute my father came back to say me final 'tata by'.
That was the fist time i saw tears in my father eyes. I have never thought in dream that tear will dare to come in his eyes. Then my cousin father came and took my father away with him as he knew that those tear will adversely effect me.
"Naveen take care of him" he said to my cousin.
'Ok' he replied. 
After some time i came across an another lady who was having a long stick in her hand.
my cousin told that she is your matron .
she came inside and shouted in high pitch and in a different tune.
"change your dress nahi to mein tumko thanda de degi"
latter i came to know that "thanda de degi" matlab she will beat us with stick.
my cousin told my roommate to take care of me and he left.
That old lady shouted again "class ke liye taiyar ho jao".
I was surprise to hear that because till now i haven"t even heard of class in evening.
This was the first time i was going to attend class in evening which was known as PREP in ssk.
I along with my roommates went to my new class room which were quite old and big as compare to earlier school classes,after some time there comes a teacher who introduces himself as Mr. M.R. KAUSHIK.
 He started giving us lecture on armed forces which made everyone to sleep.
Somehow we managed to pass two hours.
After the class we left for mess for our first dinner in SSK.
Mess was a huge building where everyone use to have their meals together.we were provided rajma,roti and chawl along with gulab jamun as a sweet dish.
All were missing theirs mothers hand food.
After that we went to the room and we were told to wear kurta pujama for sleeping.
With tears in my eyes i don"t know when i slept.

I THINK ALL KUNJEYEAN had the same type of feeling on their first day. Please shares yours through comment box.



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